India Green

By Carla Martens

Combining arts

Artists and designers will always say that inspiration can come from anywhere – hitting you when you least expect it. But you can go looking for it too. I’m still very inspired by a trip to Tanzania last year. All the animals were just awe-inspiring, and the landscape was stunning. I’ve never taken so many photos, every view offered a different kind of shot that I wanted to capture forever.

Africa inspired the photographer in me, and now the photos are inspiring a different sort of art form, something more tangible and tactile.

Wool is a very comfortable medium. When you pick up a ball of wool you want to scrunch it and squeeze it and it makes you feel comforted and warmed. When you’ve turned that ball of wool into a recognisable object, you get the satisfaction of looking at it, as you do with a photograph, but you can also use it, touch it, wear it, play with it, keep it, or give it as a gift.

I’m keeping my memories of Africa alive and satisfying my desire to create through crochet. I love being able to share this adorable zebra with friends and remember where my inspiration and desire to create him came from.

Crochet zebra

Crochet zebra

African inspiration

2 african zebras

Ngorongoro Crater zebras in the early morning haze

4 comments on “Combining arts

  1. Hannah Ackroyd
    June 15, 2012

    What a little cutie! He’s adorable!

    • indiagreendesigns
      June 15, 2012

      Thanks Hannah – I used cashmerino wool which makes him unbelievably soft too.

  2. ishooteditnblog
    June 15, 2012

    Awesome shost! It looks so fabulous! =)

  3. This looks so cute!! Loved it!

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This entry was posted on June 15, 2012 by in Copywriting, Crochet, Photography and tagged , , .

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