India Green

By Carla Martens

30 day book challenge – #3 Book that makes you laugh out loud

It may not have many words but it is definitely a book. It has pages and everything.


‘The Bumper Book of Bunny Suicides’ by Andy Riley contains every bunny suicide ever. The sketches in this book are so witty, you just can’t help but laugh like a child when you see them, even if you are also child-like in your innocent love of fluffy bunnies. There is just something about the look on these bunny’s faces, you know that they are in a happier place once they’ve done the deed, so it’s alright to laugh, really.

I think practically all the sketches made me laugh out loud, but as a female, I do also involuntarily say ‘Awwww’ afterwards. It is sad, but the bunnies clearly want to die, and in very inventive ways. They have a very determined look about them. One of my favourites is a sketch of a very frazzled, unhappy woman with a photo ripped in two and a box of tissues on the floor. She is sitting in an armchair. Next to her is the TV and video player, with a bunny putting in the movie ‘Fatal Attraction’.

The cover design will perfectly appeal to the inner-child in you, a fun font, a shiny, silvery colour, and the fact it is the ‘bumper’ book of bunny suicides.It’s a shame the cover cartoon isn’t one of the more inventive bunnys, but it will without a doubt make you want to flick through the pages to be sure you know exactly what this book is all about, and yes, it is nothing but bunnies topping themselves.

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This entry was posted on July 16, 2012 by in Books, Copywriting and tagged , , .

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